



Torrance-Kashiwa Sister City Relationship 50th Anniversary Celebration
Resolution to Continue the Friendship

Fifty years have passed since Torrance and Kashiwa became sister cities on February 20, 1973.

The reason that this good relationship has continued for half a century is due to the heartfelt friendship between the citizens. The citizens of both cities, who speak different languages and grew up in different environments, transcended their boundaries and deepened their interactions, while stimulating and appreciating each other. The past 50 years have been comprised of casual interactions between exchange students and their host families, the unexpected discoveries that come from exposure to a different culture, and the small impressions that have been created.

In addition, the constant effort and respectful attitude of the mayors of Torrance and Kashiwa, city councils, the Torrance Sister City Association, and Kashiwa International Relations Association have led to many mutual student exchanges and goodwill missions. It is not hard to imagine that the two cities have developed a variety of sister city exchange projects, including mutual visits, and have further deepened the friendly relationship between them.

Kashiwa City Council would like to express its gratitude to everyone who has supported the exchange thus far, and sincerely congratulates everyone on this wonderful friendship that has continued for half a century. I also sincerely hope that the exchange between our two cities, centered on its grassroots, will continue to grow, and that we will be able to celebrate the next 50 years together as irreplaceable friends who will always be respected.
This is our resolution.

 October 6, 2023
                     Kashiwa City Council, Chiba Prefecture

トーランス市・柏市姉妹都市提携50周年を祝福し,姉 妹都 市継続を祈念する決議

1973年2月20日に, トーランス市と柏市が姉妹都市を提携してから50年が経過した。
この良好な関係が半世紀 にもわたって続いてきたのは,根底に市民同士の心の通った親交があったからにほかならない。 言葉も育った環境も違う両市民が, その垣根を超え,互いに刺激し合 い,認め合 いながら,交流を深めていった。その中で交わされた派遣生とホストファミリーの何気ないやり取り,異文化に触れることで得られ る思いがけない発見, 小さな感動の一つ一つが, この50年をつくっている。
加えて, トーランス市・柏市の両市長,両市議会並びにトーランス市姉妹都市協会及び柏市国際交流協会 の絶え間ない努力と相手のことを尊重する姿勢が,青少年の交換派遣,親善使節団の相互訪問をはじめとする様々 な姉妹都市交流事業を発展させ,両市の友好関係を一層深めてきたことは想像に難くない。
柏市議会は, これまで交流を支えてこられた皆様の御労苦に感謝するとともに, この素晴らしい親交が半世紀にわたり連綿と続いてきたことを心から祝福する。 そして草の根を中心とした両市の交流が今後ますます発展し,いつまでも尊敬できる,かけがえのない友人として,共に次の50年を迎えられるよう,切に祈念する。

令和 5 年 10 月 6 日